Jumaat, 12 Februari 2010

Restoran Nelayan Terapung Ujung Batu

Nak cari tempat makan best kat Penang?

Location:TBP 4309 Balai Nelayan Ujong Batu,Bagan Dalam,Butterworth(N05 23.469' ; E100 22.481')
Serving:Ikan Bawal goreng and traditional cuisine
Capacity:200 people
Serving time:Self service
Childseat:couldn't found
My good comment:Nice food and scenery.Actually this is fisherman's port and sometimes you can see fisherman dock their sampan and carry their catch while you are eating.Parking provided.This place deserve to be one of "Penang's most famous Malay Food" title.
MY bad comment:Big restaurant should have a lot of choices.I can give 4 star if they provide more lauk.

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