- Location:Kampung Telok,Sungai Dua,Penang(Near Esso-Mobil) (GPS:N05 26.791 ; E100 25.329)
- Dishes:30 to 40 local dishes
- Capacity:60 to 80 people
- Popular:Gulai Umbut Pisang,ulam2,petai,ikan goreng panas2
- Budget:around MYR3+(as picture-click to enlarge)
- Operation time:lunch(off:Friday)
- Serving time:self service
- parking:not provided
- childseat:provided
- My good comment:until now still remember the taste..... nice penang halal food!This place deserve to be one of Penang's famous Malay restaurant.
- My bad comment:Must come before 12pm to enjoy the food.After 12pm,too many people+limited place.
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