This is not for tourism because the stall is located in Kawasan perindustrian Perai with dust and unfriendly environment.Sometime I feel like having lunch at small stall in Jakarta's outskirt which I had few years ago.
But since the Nasi Ayam is the best I had so far in Perai area, I would like to share it with you.My chinese friend introduced this Nasi Ayam to me and I tried 3 times already.If you are working around here,may be you should try.
- Location:far right,medan selera lorong perusahaan 3,Kaw.Perindustrian Perai
- GPS:N 05 22.212 E 100 23.364
- Serving:Nasi Ayam & lauk kampung
- Budget: MYR3.50
- Operation:weekday
- Parking:public
- Childseat:no
- Toilet:no
- My good comment:Better taste than Nasi Ayam Periuk Besar Perai branch
- My bad comment: dusty....bad environment
No toilet? So, "cangkul" is provided?? Hehe.
BalasPadamNasi Ayam Periuk Besar ada yg best. Tak silap aku, branck kat area menghala sg sedim, aku lupalah nama tempat tu. Aku selalu pegi masa duduk kat kulim dulu.
Nama tempat tu .. Sungai Kob
PadamMaxx...Nasi Ayam Periuk besar punya HQ kat Sg.Kob,Kulim.Dah 2 kali aku gi tapi kedainya tutup.Aku cuma try branch dia kat Tmn.Inderawasih,Perai.Yg kawasan perindustrian Perai punya lagi sedap dari NAPB Tmn.Inderawasih.Tu yg pasti...
BalasPadamThank you for providing information of good eating place espeseli in Penang. I siriusly bookmarked this blog for the sole purpose of getting infos about good halal eating spots in Penang.
Hope to see more, but also hoping that the information here will always be fair and truthful.
Thanks again.
nak sedap gi kat bertam perdana,restoran bafana memang best baru jer buka tapi meriah..kat kawasan bank rakyat bertam perdana bangunan KIOSK harga baru rm5 jer
BalasPadamDanial-Thx..nanti aku gi try
BalasPadamPoklah-thanks.I will try my best to be fair.Hopefully can find good & bad comment during each of my visits and share it with others.
nasi ayam periuk besar at sg kob, dekat2 dengan sedim yg tu best..
BalasPadammasuk ni dah kat 4 kali...time aku nak pi,dia tutup.Boleh sesapa bagitau operation time dia bila?